Bob & Linette Fricke
Visitation Pastor
(507) 828-7115
Pastor Bob and Linette were one of several couples in a home Bible study who helped launch Victory back in 1982. After serving several years as an elder, Bob was set in as associate pastor in 2009. He most recently was named our Visitation Pastor and ministers to those in hospital or hospice care and shut-ins.
Pastor Bob also co-leads Journey to Freedom, our weekly adult discipleship Bible study, and occasionally teaches Sunday morning Adult Bible Class. Bob and Linette are blessed with three sons and their wives, along with eleven grandchildren and three great grandchildren, all living within five miles of them. When they’re not preaching, teaching, or counseling people, the Frickes enjoy being with family and friends, doing landscaping and yard work, and watching Vikings football. They also serve as caretakers for the Balaton Cemetery.