Brian & Mindy Knochenmus
(605) 261-7769
Brian grew up at Victory. He and his wife Mindy have been faithful members for over 20 years. Since their teen years they have been in leadership roles, recognizing early on how God has gifted and used them in leadership. Brian serves on Victory’s worship team, and Mindy is involved in our women’s, children’s, and prayer ministries. Together they mentor married couples and families. The Knochenmuses have seven children (one of whom is married) and two grandchildren. They love pretty much anything outdoors and anything competitive. Their family’s purpose is to multiply servant leadership that reflects God’s love and draws others to Christ for the advancement of His Kingdom. Professionally, Brian is President and CEO of Ralco Nutrition. Mindy stays very busy with her family, managing The Upper Room event center in Marshall, and volunteering at True Light Christian School in Marshall.